Our worship services are traditional, but with a conversational tone. Our service order, which can easily be followed in our printed worship bulletins, follows a similar basic outline each week:
Greeting & Announcements
Call to Worship
Responsive Reading
Confession of Sin & Assurance of Pardon
Scripture Readings
Confession of Faith
Pastoral Prayer
To view this week's worship bulletin, click on the PDF icon below...
We celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of each month, which changes the second half of our service order.
To view a sample worship bulletin that includes Holy Communion,
click on the PDF icon below...
Our music consists mostly of traditional hymns, all of which can be found in the hymnals in the pews, and is accompanied by either organ or piano. Occasionally, we also sing contemporary songs, such as "In Christ Alone" and "Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me."
The main focus of our services is the preaching of God's Word.
To listen to the latest sermons by Pastor Baral, click here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I go when I get to the church?
Here is the answer.
Do I have to participate or can I just observe?
Here is the answer.
Am I going to be singled out during the service?
Here is the answer.
How long do services usually last?
Here is the answer.
What do people usually wear at worship services?
Here is the answer.
Do you have a nursery ?
Here is the answer.